The Office of the Registrar processes New Student Enrollment, Official Transcripts, addition of ACC dual credit to the high school transcript, and answers questions concerning credits, class rank and GPA, Trustees' Scholar Awards and Pass/Fail Forms. The Registrars enter all credits for new students awarded from their previous school.
The Registrars are located in the Administration Building.
The district has established a program of annual awards to high school students to recognize and encourage outstanding academic achievement. It is know as the annual Trustees' Scholar Award Ceremony. A yearly certificate is given to qualifying students. The recipients must be scholastically within the top ten percent of the class group at the end of the first five reporting periods for that school year. Students must have earned at least a 3.0 GPA. A student who receives an Incomplete or an NC grade shall not be eligible to receive the award. The Trustee Awards does NOT replace the Cumulative Ranking that is done twice a year, in January and in June. The Cumulative Rankings is information used for the top 10% in each class for colleges, or any other request based on the ranking of the class, not the trustee awards.
The honor roll system recognizes and rewards notable academic achievement in secondary schools. Honor roll recognition is based on scholarship achievement only. It has no relationship to National Honor Society requirements, which include factors in addition to scholarship. Placement of secondary students on honor rolls will be determined on the basis of their grade point average (GPA) for the respective grading period. To be eligible for honor roll, a secondary student must have received an averageable grade from each of at least three courses. There are three levels of honor roll for middle and high school students.
* If a student makes an F (failure), or I (incomplete), or NG (no grade) during the six-weeks, the student is ineligible for the honor roll that six-weeks.
JBHS HONOR ROLLS - link will be available following the first 9-week report card
Parents: please have your student log in for the Honor Roll Link. Students need to use their AISD credentials to access the document.
Loss of credit is tabulated on an individual course basis. If a student has not been in attendance for at least 90% of the days a course is offered during the semester, the student will receive no credit for the course semester. This will be recorded as an NC (No Credit) on the report card.
Students must appeal to the Assistant Principal to restore credit through options provided by District policy.
Grade-level advancement for students in grades 9-12 shall be determined by course credits. Credits are earned by meeting the minimum passing standard average of 70 at the end of each course and meeting the 90% attendance rule; credits may be awarded through yearlong averaging. Speak with the registrar if you have questions about your classification.
Credit by exam for acceleration is offered at no cost on three Saturdays in the fall and three days in June through the Office of Systemwide Testing. Specific dates and information may be obtained through your counselor. The District uses Texas Education Agency-approved examinations from the University of Texas or Texas Tech University for students in grades 6 –12. A list of available examinations may be obtained from the counselor or the Office of Systemwide Testing. The student must obtain the required parent/guardian signature and return to the counselor before the deadline listed on the application form. The counselor will submit the required applications and appropriate forms for credit by examination testing to the Office of Systemwide Testing by scheduled deadlines. A counselor’s signature must be secured as verification that the student's records indicate testing for acceleration or prior instruction in a course. Study guides for grades 9 -12 courses are online at the UT Distance Education website and on the Texas Tech website.
Exams are scored by UT or Texas Tech and returned to Systemwide Testing, who then forwards the score reports to the school.
Failing scores on credit by examination are not recorded on the transcript. A passing credit by examination grade cannot be yearlong averaged with a failing credit by examination grade for award of credit. Passing grades earned through credit by examination may be yearlong averaged with grades earned in the classroom. Students may not rescind a request for credit through credit by examination once the test has been completed. Students may not retake credit by examination for a higher grade once the student has met minimum passing standard nor take credit by examination for the purpose of earning a higher grade to replace an existing passing grade in a course. Credit earned through credit by examination is transcripted as a non-weighted course.
Examination scores for high school courses will be used in computing the student's grade point average (GPA) and rank in class.
If students fail a credit by examination and wish to retest, they may retake the exam one time at their own expense through the University of Texas or Texas Tech University Distance Learning Centers or wait for the next District administration of the examination with campus approval.
District students who have mastery in a subject but have not received prior instruction in the subject area or grade level may take credit by examination for acceleration to gain credit for those subjects or grade levels. Students who score 90 percent or above on a District-approved test for acceleration may receive credit for the course.
District students who have received formal prior instruction in a subject area may take credit by examination for credit recovery or validation of credit. The District will pay for CBE tests for validation from non-accredited private or homeschool programs.
The District does not pay for credit by exam for credit recovery; students must make their own arrangements to recover credit for a failed course.
Information regarding Class Rank and GPA cannot be provided over the telephone because identification cannot be confirmed. Students may stop by the registrar's office and present a photo ID to receive the information. New class rankings and GPA's are generated after each semester and are available late January and late June. This means that GPA and class rank will change only after the completion of a semester.
Students and parents may also log on to Naviance/Family Connection at any time to view this information on the student's profile. Students must login to Naviance through their student portal. GPA information is located under the ABOUT ME tab then GENERAL INFORMATION. Class Rank and GPA Calculation (PDF).
Students who fail a course required for graduation must participate in a credit recovery program and demonstrate mastery in learning the course standards. Bowie offers several credit recovery options which are described below. Students should see their counselor to discuss the best option for credit recovery.
Students who fail one semester of a course will receive credit for both semesters if the average of the two semesters is 70 or higher.
The Twilight credit recovery program invites students to retake a failed semester of a course in an accelerated format. These classes are offered before and after school and are taught by certified Bowie teachers.
Delta is a computer-based asynchronous credit recovery program offered during the school day as one of the student's classes. The class is only open to juniors and seniors.
AISD does not routinely offer summer school for the purposes of credit recovery. When campus funding allows, Bowie may offer a limited number of credit recovery classes during the month of June.
Diplomas are available from the registrar's office on the Monday after graduation. Students do not receive the actual diploma at the graduation ceremony.
Duplicate diploma's are available through our vendor, Jostens. In order to request a diploma you must bring your photo id to the registrar's office. An order form will then be generated with the registrar's signature and seal. The cost of the diploma is $25.00 payable to Jostens High School Achievements.
Pass/Fail (P/F) Forms are located outside of the registrar's office and only apply to ONE semester. The deadline to submit a pass/fail form is the final day of the first six weeks of each semester. A student may choose to take a course pass/fail, only if the course is beyond state graduation requirements in that subject area for the graduation plan that the student has declared. Prior written approval of the student, parent, teacher, and counselor must be acquired. Courses taken pass/fail are considered as local credit only and are not counted toward state graduation credit. With the exception of physical education equivalent waiver courses, the pass/fail status can only be used for high school courses. The grades in a course taken pass/fail will be recorded numerically for each six weeks grading period and for the final exam, but the final course grade will be recorded as a “P” or an “F”. Students are strongly advised to speak with their counselor or the college counselor if considering pass/fail.
8:00 - 5:00 Mon - Thurs