Civil Division

Welcome to the Civil Division. The Civil Division handles lawsuits among individuals and/or corporations. The Civil Division conducts civil trials and manages civil filings, case management, name and/or gender changes, and civil restraining orders.

Updated March 30, 2022

San Mateo County Superior Court Reopens Civil Ex Parte Calendars on April 4, 2022

Effective Monday, April 4, 2022, civil ex parte calendars will reopen. The emergency local rule temporarily suspending civil ex parte calendars has been vacated. Parties are required to comply with Local Rule 3.500, including that ex parte applicants and opponents must appear in person, subject to the exceptions set forth in CRC Rule 3.1207. Ex parte applications in Unlawful Detainer cases must be brought before the assigned civil judge, not the Presiding Judge. Each civil judge conducts ex partes in their assigned civil cases at 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. two days per week; please check the Court's website under the Civil Division for the ex parte days of the week for your assigned judge. The Presiding Judge and the Probate Judge will continue to have their own separate ex parte days and hours.

Important Notice Regarding Advance Jury Fees

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