Exploratory Testing Explained: Complete Guide and Best Practices

Guide to Exploratory Testing

What if you could test software however you liked without following strict, traditional instructions? What if while testing, all you had to do was learn, explore and experiment? The answer to all these what-ifs is exploratory testing. Everything about it will be explained in detail in this blog.

Exploratory testing allows you to test your software in whichever way you like. There is no specified methodology you “must” follow. You are good to go as long as you get the work done.

The main motive of exploratory testing is for developers and testers to get as creative as they can. Just learn and grow and apply those learnings to create a strategy that works for you.

But don’t forget the basics of testing. Make sure the functions and operations of the software work as expected. Identify and resolve technical/functional faults and aim to optimize and improve the software in every way possible.

What is Exploratory Testing?

Exploratory Testing allows the testers to explore the software and discover issues with their respective solutions. Here, testers do not rely on detailed test plans. Instead, they use their knowledge and experience to guide their testing. This allows them to adapt quickly to changes and find unexpected bugs


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For example, imagine you’re testing a new social media app. Instead of following a predetermined set of steps, you approach it as a typical user might:

  1. You create an account and start exploring the interface.
  2. You notice the ‘Post’ button is slightly off-center and make a note.
  3. You try uploading a photo but find it doesn’t support .png files – another issue to report.
  4. While scrolling through the feed, you accidentally discover a hidden feature by double-tapping – this could be confusing for users.
  5. You attempt to send a message, but the app crashes – a critical bug that needs immediate attention

This will give you an idea to think from a user’s perspective and be wise with your testing strategies. This often finds more bugs and improves the overall quality of the software.

Why Use Exploratory Testing?

Exploratory testing is a dynamic approach to software testing that contrasts with more structured methods. While traditional testing techniques often involve predefined test cases executed in a step-by-step manner, exploratory testing takes a different path.

In conventional testing, the process typically includes designing test cases, executing them sequentially, identifying issues, and then compiling results for reporting. This structured approach, while thorough, can be time-consuming and may lack flexibility.

Exploratory testing, on the other hand, combines test design and execution into a single, fluid process. Testers simultaneously create and perform tests, allowing for real-time adjustments based on what they discover. This approach can lead to significant time savings and increased efficiency in certain scenarios.

Importance Of Exploratory Testing

  1. Helps you find more bugs: Exploratory testing finds more bugs than scripted testing. It allows testers to explore the software in ways that predefined tests do not cover.
  1. Flexible: In fast-paced development environments, requirements and features change quickly. It is flexible enough to adapt to these changes, making it ideal for Agile and DevOps teams.
  1. Unlocks that Creative Side: Testers use their creativity and critical thinking skills to uncover unexpected issues. This approach reveals unique and hard-to-find bugs.
  1. Enhances quality of the product: If you want users to have a better/ satisfied experience using your software, you must focus on regularly finding and fixing issues. That’s the only way to keep the software updated.

Step-By-Step Approach To Create Better Software For Exploratory Testing

  1. Get to know what the software is about

Before you start testing, learn about the software. Know its features and how it should work. Understand its purpose and goals. For example, learn how the cart and checkout work if it’s a shopping app. This helps you find problems more easily. Understanding the software makes your testing more effective.

Specify what exactly you want to achieve through this testing process. It could be finding as many bugs as possible, checking for usability issues, or testing specific features.

Clear goals help you stay focused and organized. They give direction to your testing and ensure you cover important areas.

A test charter is a simple plan for your testing session. It outlines what you will test, how you will test it, and what you hope to find.

  1. Feature: User Login
  2. Objective: Check if users can easily log in and out.
  3. Approach: Test different scenarios such as correct login, incorrect login, password reset, and account lockout.
  4. Resources: Use various user accounts for testing.

Creating a test charter provides structure to your testing. It makes it more organized and effective.

Now, start exploring the software based on your test charter. Find issues and get creative with the solutions.

5. Review and document what you discovered


After testing, review what you discovered.

Some Of The Best Practices for Exploratory Testing Are:

  1. Try Connecting with developers

Work closely with the developers who create the software. This collaboration will help you understand how the software works.

It’s important because:

  1. Use Tools Wisely

Choose tools that help you test efficiently.

  1. Keep Learning

Exploratory testing keeps you on your toes. Here, you can never know enough. That is why you should continuously improve your skills and knowledge to become a better tester. What you can do is:

  1. Pair Testing

Pair testing involves two testers working together on the same testing session. It is effective because:

Common Challenges in Exploratory Testing

Even though exploratory testing is flexible and allows you to be creative, it comes with its own set of challenges. Some of them are given below

Exploratory testing can sometimes feel unstructured because it doesn’t follow predefined test cases. Without a clear plan, testers miss important areas or features. To overcome this, use test charters and set clear goals for each testing session. A test charter outlines what to test, how to test it, and what to look for. This provides a framework for your testing while still allowing flexibility.

When you lack structure, it’s common to miss out on important things. No matter how hard you try, some features or areas of the software might be overlooked. To solve this issue, what we do is combine exploratory testing with other testing methods like automated and scripted testing.

Documenting findings during exploratory testing is a tricky task. You find many issues quickly, which makes it hard to keep track. Without good documentation, important details get lost and developers find it difficult to fix problems.

To solve this, use tools like screen recording software to capture your testing. Take clear notes and list the steps to reproduce each issue. Include screenshots or videos to show the problems. Use bug-tracking tools to organize your findings. Simple and thorough documentation helps developers understand and fix issues faster.

Exploratory testing requires strong skills. A tester thinks critically and creatively. They are good at problem-solving and pay attention to details. They understand the software and work in it from the user’s perspective.

To improve these skills, testers should keep learning and practicing. Reading articles, taking courses, and joining testing communities can help. Gaining experience with different types of software also builds skills.

Combining Exploratory Testing With Other Methods

Exploratory testing is an effective to test your software. But if you want to take your skills to the next level, integrate exploratory testing with other approaches.

  1. Automated Testing

Combine exploratory testing with automated testing for better results. Automated testing handles repetitive tasks and checks if existing features still work after changes. Use automation tools like Selenium or Postman to run these tests quickly and efficiently.

  1. Scripted Testing

Combine exploratory testing with scripted testing for better coverage. Scripted testing follows set test cases to check specific features. It ensures that important functions work as they should.

For example, use scripts to test if the payment process works correctly. While scripts handle these essential checks, exploratory testing can look for unexpected issues. This approach lets you cover both known and unknown problem areas.

Integrate exploratory testing with user testing for valuable feedback. User testing involves real users interacting with the software. This helps you understand how actual users experience the product.

For example–Ask users to navigate a new feature in your app. Watch how they use it and note any problems they encounter. Their feedback will reveal issues that may not be found during regular testing.


Exploratory testing is a crucial method in software testing. It helps find hidden bugs and issues that get overlooked by other methods. It encourages testers to think creatively and adapt quickly.

This approach promotes teamwork and communication among developers. It speeds up the process of finding and fixing problems and works well with agile development. It also complements automated testing by adding human insight and exploration.

Overall, exploratory testing helps make software better for users. It encourages teams to find problems early and make sure things work smoothly. By trying different ways of testing, testers make sure the software is easy to use and does what people need. It’s all about making sure the software works well and users are satisfied.