SPARE PARTS AND REPLACEMENTS. 5.1. The Company reserves the right to charge the Customer for the supply of spare parts and replacement components required to maintain the Equipment in good working order.

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SPARE PARTS AND REPLACEMENTS. 3.1 We will use all reasonable endeavours to supply minor spare parts and replacement components required to maintain the System in good working order, [and no extra charge will be made for the supply.] If, however, the System is damaged otherwise than by fair wear and tear or the System requires a major spare part or replacement component, we reserve the right to charge you for supplying the same.

SPARE PARTS AND REPLACEMENTS. 3.1 The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to supply spare parts and replacement components required to maintain the System in good working order. Where the Service Plan Agreement specifies free replacement of defective parts, no extra charge will be made for the supply. If, however, the System is damaged otherwise than by fair wear and tear (which shall be judged by the Supplier) or the Service Plan Agreement does not specify free replacement of defective parts, the Supplier reserves the right to charge the Customer for the supply. Where the Service Plan Agreement specifies free replacement of defective spare parts, the Customer shall be entitled to free replacement in accordance with these conditions for the first 12 months immediately following the date of the System’s installation.

SPARE PARTS AND REPLACEMENTS. 3.1 The Company shall use all reasonable endeavour’s to supply minor spare parts and replacement components required to maintain the Equipment in good working order, and no extra charge will be made for the supply. If, however, the Equipment is damaged otherwise than by fair wear and tear or the Equipment requires a major spare part or replacement component (as to whether either of which events has occurred on the Company’s decision Shall be final and binding to the Customer), the Company reserves the right to charge the Customer for the supply.

SPARE PARTS AND REPLACEMENTS. 3.1 The Company shall use all reasonable endeavours to supply minor spare parts and replacement components required to maintain the Equipment in good working order, and no extra charge will be made for the supply of minor spare parts and/or replacement components. If, however, the Equipment is damaged otherwise than by fair wear and reasonable use or the Equipment requires a major spare part or replacement component (as to whether either of which events has occurred on the Company’s decision shall be final and binding to the Customer), the Company reserves the right to charge the Customer for the supply of any damaged Equipment or where there is a requirement for a major part, spare or replacement component.