For most families, the need for life insurance is greatest early in life. Children are young and the financial burden of supporting the family are large and create the need for life insurance. Ironically, families with the greatest need also are those who probably can least afford the life insurance premiums. The need for life insurance usually decreases as families age and accumulate more assets and net worth.
There are two major types of life insurance: term insurance and whole or universal life insurance.
Term insurance is purchased on an annual basis and usually increases in cost as a person gets older. Term insurance pays out at death if kept in force by paying the premiums until death. All premiums are used to pay for the cost of the insurance and no cash value accumulates as a result of having the policy. You pay a year’s premium for a year’s coverage. Several varieties of term insurance are available including declining death benefits for a fixed annual premium and fixed benefits with a rising premium. Term insurance is much like fire, wind, auto, and medical insurance - you pay purely for the protection with no cash value accumulation.
Whole or universal life insurance is term insurance with an accompanying savings plan built in. There are many varieties of whole life insurance, all of which combine a savings plan along with the insurance protection. The cash “savings” value buildup can be borrowed at a rate of interest specified in the policy or taken out if the policy is terminated. Premium payments are obviously higher for a given amount of whole life insurance compared to term insurance, since a portion of the premium is allocated to purchase a savings plan.
Life insurance can be used for many functions in estate planning.
Ownership of the policy is sometimes treated lightly but is an important consideration, particularly in large estates. Generally, death benefits from life insurance are included in the estate of the owner of the policy, regardless of who is paying the insurance premium or who is named beneficiary. A change in ownership of a life insurance policy is a complex matter. One should review ownership provisions with an expert estate planner or insurance agent.
For example, in Minnesota, even though you transfer ownership of a life insurance policy, if done within three years of death, the death benefits will most likely be included in the estate value of the original owner. In addition, the new owner can change the beneficiary, borrow on the policy or surrender or cancel the policy. Care should be taken in changing ownership if relationships are unstable or if there is any question about competency or intention of the new owner.
Beneficiaries are the people who will get the death benefit proceeds of your life insurance.
If your estate is the beneficiary of your life insurance, the plan established in your will or trust determines the distribution of death benefits.
One will often name their spouse as the beneficiary with children as secondary beneficiaries, in which case it would go to a trust for the children or directly to the children. The final beneficiary designee may be the estate if no immediate family member survives.
A potential problem with this strategy is the insurance death benefit amount can increase the estate to a value above the applicable exclusion exemption amount for state and/or federal estate taxes. That causes an estate tax problem. This issue can be avoided if you place the life insurance in an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). The trust owns the policy but you are the insured. Because you do not own it, the death benefit is not included in your estate value but you have the protection of the insurance. This is a complex area so consult your attorney and insurance agent.
Keep in mind that the insurance company makes ONE tax free payment of benefits. If the payment is to a trust and then later to a spouse or to children, that second payment becomes a taxable event, if there has been growth or income.
An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) can be of use in two ways. First, to avoid having to include the death benefit amount of a life insurance policy you own in your estate net worth, the insurance policy can be placed into an ILIT. The trust owns the policy and therefore the value is not included in your estate value. Second, if your business entity purchases life insurance for the owner/operators of the entity, the insurance can also be placed into an ILIT. That prevents an individual who chooses to leave the entity from taking some of the insurance cash value with them. The ILIT preserves the insurance intact for those who remain in the entity.
There are rules that need to be followed. The ILIT must be properly titled. The ILIT must have its own checking account and the address on the policy must be that of the trustee.
If you own a whole or universal life insurance policy purchased a number of years ago, it would be advisable to contact your insurance agent and request an in-force illustration. This process will help you assess how long the insurance policy will remain in-force. Is it going to be available at your death or has the cash value declined to a point where the insurance lapses? This is a critical issue if the insurance was purchased a number of years ago and is a key part of your estate plan.
Life insurance can play a vital role in estate planning. It is important to coordinate all aspects of life insurance with your overall estate plan. Carefully analyze all factors before purchasing life insurance. Depending on family and farm circumstance term life insurance might be more appropriate than whole life insurance and vice versa. Continue to evaluate your life insurance as family, estate and business needs change throughout your lifetime.
Caution: This publication is offered as educational information. It does not offer legal advice. If you have questions on this information, contact an attorney.
David Bau,and C. Robert Holcomb, Extension educators; Gary Hachfeld